Jauhr E Teg is California Gatka Dal’s annual 3v3 fari-soti gatka tournament. It was born of Ustaad Baljit Singh Bomba’s desire to host a gatka world cup. Ustaad Ji and his students, together with the Ustaads of California Gatka Dal hence labored to innovate the format and style of play of gatka in North America. Jauhr E Teg aspires to embody the spirit of old-school open akhara gatka taught to us by our ustaads, and the refined professionalism of modern sport.
Jauhr E Teg is a 501c3 registered non-profit organization. If you would like to show support, please consider donating to Jauhr E Teg through our official donation platforms below. All donations are tax-deductible.

For any questions or inquiries, fill out the form below or contact us at info@jauhreteg.com!